- Spring on the Horizon -
A Note about Pandemic Pets
During the pandemic we saw a huge spike in individuals and families seeking pets.
Sadly, as things began opening up again in 2021, we then saw an even larger spike in abandoned pets that has continued through 2022. As we have continued to accept bunnies and rabbits that were adopted from us, as well as from other rabbitries, we are now committed to cease all breeding until we find homes for bunnies and rabbits seeking adoptive homes.
Since posting this advisement, we've had several inquiries asking if this means there won't be any young bunnies available for a while. The answer is yes, there won't be any bunnies for a long while. Right now, there are no other bunnies, no pregnant mammas, and no breeding.
We encourage families seeking a new bunny rabbit this spring to consider adopting an older bunny or rabbit. Many of these loving rabbits miss having a home, and are looking forward to loving their new family.
- Bunnies and Rabbits up for Adoption -

We help adopt out unwanted rabbits from the community,
as well as retired rabbits. Please, consider adopting one of these sweet rabbits.

- In the Nest -
We currently have no new babies in the nest.
Mamas are taking a break.

- Favorite Bunny Baby Photos -
These kits are no longer available,but they can give you an idea of
the types of kits we expect in future litters.

- Laws About Rabbit Sales -
According to Massachusetts State Law (Section 80D), it is illegal to sell a bunny under 8 weeks of age
or a rabbit that has been dyed or artificially colored.
It is Sherborn Woods Rabbitry's commitment to not sell or adopt out pre-weaned or painted rabbits :-)