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- Bunnies from Fall -
Please, click on bunnies to see their information.
Sharpie markings are NOT permanent.
- Current Bunnies -
We are taking applications now.
Please view the Contact and Forms page for the link (pink button) to the application.
Please, read FAQs and the "How it all works" button below to learn more."
Click on pictures for more information.
Sharpie number marks are NOT permanent.
- Favorite Bunny Baby Photos -
These kits are no longer available,but they can give you an idea of
the types of kits we expect in future litters.

How Cute am I?



Love our Oranges!
- Laws About Rabbit Sales -
According to Massachusetts State Law (Section 80D), it is illegal to sell a bunny under 8 weeks of age
or a rabbit that has been dyed or artificially colored.
It is Sherborn Woods Rabbitry's commitment to not sell or adopt out pre-weaned or painted rabbits :-)

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